El Infierno
“El Infierno” is a Mexican movie directed by Luis Estrada and released in 2010. The plot revolves around a man named Benny who, after spending several years in the United States, returns to his homeland in Mexico, where he confronts the brutal reality of violence and corruption that has consumed his neighborhood. Benny becomes involved in drug trafficking and becomes a hitman, facing increasingly deadly scenarios as he attempts to survive amid the mayhem. The film provides a harsh and satirical look at Mexico’s drug trafficking problem, delving into issues such as violence, socioeconomic injustice, and political corruption. “El Infierno” acquired great accolades for its startling depiction of Mexican reality and engaging narrative.
Despite being rated C (adults only), “El Infierno” was the highest-grossing picture made for Mexico’s Bicentennial. Based on CineTC data, the movie remained in movie theaters for about 12 weeks, gathering a total audience of 2,068,095 people and earning 82,984,326 pesos.