
The 2018 film “Roma” is a Mexican movie under the direction of Alfonso Cuarón. The film centers on the lives of Cleo, a young indigenous domestic worker employed by a middle-class family in Mexico City in the 1970s. Cleo becomes caught up in the political unrest and social movements that typified that era of Mexico, as well as the family and societal problems of the day. Shot in black and white, the artistically striking film explores themes of love, sorrow, and class struggle while focusing on little, everyday elements. “Roma” won three Academy Awards, including Best Director for Alfonso Cuarón, and was praised by critics and voters alike.

This is Cuarón’s most personal project to date, and it had been in development for 16 years when production began in 2017. Roma portrays Cleo (Best Actress winner Yalitza Aparicio), a teenage live-in domestic servant for an upper-middle-class family in Mexico City, and is extremely influenced by Cuarón’s own 1970s origins, serving as a monument to the ladies who reared him. The intimate story of Cleo’s connection with her divided family and her unexpected pregnancy plays against the backdrop of social upheaval in Mexico at the time. The film is named after the family’s home district, Colonia Roma.


Categories: Movies


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